Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No Review for "The Rockae"

For anyone who may have actually been looking forward to a review of the Indiana University Musical Theatre Department's Premiere Musical, The Rockae -- unfortunately, there isn't one coming.

For those unfamiliar with the musical (considering it's short run off-Broadway), it was created by Peter Mills (with music by Philip Glass), who left us with a heavy metal/80's glam rock musical of Euripides' The Bacchae - where Dionysis is a rock star. If you have reservations, I did too. Intially, I planned to attend the performance and simply leave at intermission if I didn't like the show enough to stay; however, upon learning that there was no intermission AND having watched the opening number posted on YouTube, which you will find here, I just couldn't bring myself to attend. You can judge for yourself.

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